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21 results
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Standing Tall
Portrait Painting- Reb Shimshon Pincus
Portrait Painting- The Klausenberg Rebbe
Portrait Painting- Reb Shayelle
Portrait Painting- Reb Aharon Leib
Portrait Painting- Reb Chaim Kanievsky
Portrait Painting- The Chasam Sofer
Portrait Painting- Reb Ovadia Yosef
Portrait Painting- Reb Matisyohu Salomon
Portrait Painting- Rabbi Falk
Portrait Painting- The Chofetz Chaim
Midnight at the Kotel
Im Eshkachech
Kotel at Dawn
Wall of Prayer
Kosel Hues
Kosel Glow
Jerusalem Park
R' Avrohom Gurwicz Portrait